We host a wide variety of workshops and retreats from an inspiring array of practitioners, who come to Veduna to share their knowledge.

Events range from one day art, walking, breathwork and permaculture events to week long immersive journeys, courses and detox programmes.

Please do take a look at the events below and we hope you find something of interest. If you would like further information, do get in touch.
Please note, most of the events listed are run by independent practitioners.

Retreats & Workshops
Nurture your growth retreat, 22nd - 26th April 2024

A joyful transformation for personal growth in this 5-day luxury retreat in Slovenia. Take time out and equip yourself with fundamental skills to thrive as a better version of yourself. All through the Wim Hof method, yoga, coaching, plus local food, botanicals and embracing openness in a group of like-minded people.
Nurture your growth with 2-3 sessions a day. Experience strong Vinyasa & Yin to open your body, and challenge your masculine and feminine energy. Build confidence with the special Wim Hof method and overcome your doubts. Reconnect with yourself by diving into the special energy of the nature. Nourish your body with delicious organic vegetarian food prepared by our creative chef. Connect and bond with like-minded, purpose-driven leaders. Create memories for life and enjoy self. Visualise your future and make your dreams come true.

Retreat with Foster Perry, 8th - 12th May 2024

More information on the retreat soon

RENEW & REVIVE a journey to self-care, 22nd - 26th May 2024

Spring is all about new beginnings and transformations; it's a season that symbolizes starting afresh making it the perfect time to declutter and cleanse away anything that no longer serves us. This retreat is an invitation to come away from our busy life and be in an environment that supports rest and renewal. Over 4 days we shall embrace “slowing down” and “cleansing the habits of the mind” to recognise and tap into that peaceful place that resides in our hearts. The serene and stunning location is the perfect womb for creating new insights and fresh perspectives. During these 4 days we shall explore the vast practices of yoga including breathwork, meditation, movement and mantra as we collectively work together to release stagnant energy in the body and mind. As we disconnect from mental clutter, we embark on a journey of awareness to release our mental and emotional blockages and to revive our spirit. You are welcome to all the sessions on offer, but they are all optional so you may take whatever you need from this retreat including plenty of time for reflection, recreation and rest. You truly are the author of this journey and I will be there supporting you along the way. The practices we shall experience together will help us to cultivate inner stability. By tapping into the parts of us that are undiscovered we can learn to surrender to the present moment. Yoga is the ideal medium to support this process, helping us to become more compassionate to ourselves and those around us.
This is our time to Renew & Revive.

Holistična Alkimija za Ženske, 30th May - 2nd June 2024

Vabim te, da se upočasniš in vstopiš v izkušnjo ustvarjeno za celostno podporo nam, Ženskam. Vstopi v prostor varnosti, spoštovanja, čutenja in negovanja. Odpri svoje telo holistični alkimiji in poglobi razumevanje ženskega telesa.
Pridobi znanje, kako krepiti temelje vitalnosti in dobrega počutja.
Funkcionalna medicina, regulacija živčnega sistema, delovanje hormonov, razumevanje ženske cikličnosti, tehnike umirjanja in polnenja so temelji postavljene, vitalne Ženske.
Si tudi ti želiš pridobiti znanje, kako živeti z več energije? Kako podpreti delovanje svojih telesnih sistemov? Kako uravnovesiti svoj odziv na stres?
Butični vikend oddih združuje najnovejša znanja in prakse, ki so preproste in delujejo

100 HOURS ROCKET INTO YIN, 9th - 20th June 2024

A 100 hour Advanced teacher training taking both parts of ida and pingala together. We will explore 50 hours of Rocket Yoga then 50 hours of Yin Yoga in this 10 day exploration of both practices, understanding how they could potentially complement each other yet stand alone.
Set in a retreat style setting this is an immersive training set in the nature of Slovenia, you can expect not just training and advancing your teaching and knowledge around the subjects but also an experience that will stick with you for some time.
The first 5 days will be focused on Rocket, a day off, the next 5 days will be focused on Yin.

Awaken to Presence Retreat: Yoga & Meditation, 11th - 16th July 2024

Join us for a nourishing week of immersing yourself in the stunning mountains of Slovenia with a deep daily practice of yoga and meditation.
This is your week to re-connect and re-charge. All sessions are optional, so you can take exactly what you need. There will be plenty of free time for reading, wandering through the trees, swimming, sauna, reading, sun-bathing, forest-bathing, napping.
A retreat from your usual schedule is a powerful way to come back to centre and establish or deepen your practice, taking all the benefits home with you.
Our daily schedule will offer morning practice at the peaceful, 'sattvic' time of day, journaling inspiration and philosophy teachings with personal time to reflect. Our yoga programme will offer energising vinyasa, mindful slow flow and meditation to quieten the mind and rest deeply.

Iyengar Yoga Summer Intensives with Inga Zimbalista, 18th July - 4th August 2024

1st course - July 18-22 - Deep Recuperation & Rejuvenation (all levels)
Arrival July 18th from 13:00. Departure July 22nd after practice & breakfast.
deep care, compassion, restoration, rejuvenation, recuperation & detox.
Recommended for students who practice Iyengar Yoga regularly for at least 6
months and practitioners of other methods who want to experience Iyengar yoga.
The course would focus on deep cleansing, healing & integration for the restoration
of body, mind and spirit.

2nd course - July 23-28 - Intermediate level
Arrival July 23rd from 13:00. Departure July 28th after practice & breakfast.
Recommended for students practicing Iyengar Yoga regularly for at least 2 years.
Participation in the first course is highly recommended as preparation for the second
course, for better results and a deeper effect.

3rd course July 29 - August 4 - Intermediate & Advanced level
Arrival July 29th from 13:00. Departure August 4th after practice & breakfast.
Recommended for students practicing Iyengar Yoga regularly for at least 3-4 years.
Participation in the previous course is highly recommended as preparation for the
third course, in order to remove fatigue, detoxify and be ready physically, mentally
and emotionally for advanced practice, for better effect and deeper results.

More information on the courses in the link below

12-Day Self Development & Dance Alchemy Retreat, 6th - 18th August 2024

Imagine yourself on a 12-day journey of self-discovery and transformation at Dance Alchemy Retreat & Teacher Training. Immerse yourself in Breath-work, Qi-work, Yoga, Dance improvisation, Contact improvisation, and Dance therapy, embracing a holistic journey of Body, Mind, and Spirit. In nature's embrace, surrender to the rhythm of your body and the collective energy of like-minded souls. Rediscover your essence through movement, touch, and complete body awareness, unlocking profound expression and freedom moments.
But this retreat is more than dance—it's an immersion into the transformative power of Dance Alchemy. Gain tools to shape and confidently lead your facilitations, guiding others on their journey of self-discovery. Whether you're a professional or an individual seeking truth, join Goran Bogdanovski and a community of kindred spirits for an unforgettable experience. Take advantage of this chance to recharge, realign, and rediscover the magic within.
It's an Inclusive, Holistic, and Playful environment! Welcome all professionals (dance, yoga, healing, therapy…) to discover our proprietary Dance Alchemy tools to inspire, structure, shape, and lead your facilitations with confidence to create more powerful embodied and transformational results. Turn your gifts and experience into a thriving practice and business And as well welcomes all individuals who love dance and movement, regardless of experience, who want to give themselves time just for themselves to recharge, raise their energy, and reconnect with their truth, potential, and path.

PLANT MEDICINE, 21st - 25th August 2024

More information on the retreat soon

Authentic Tantric Priestess Training, 11th - 29th September 2024

Die Authentic Tantric Priestess Ausbildung ist eine ganzheitliche und intensive Schulung für jede Frau, die die Magie des Tantra erforschen und anderen Menschen auf diesem Weg begleiten möchte.
Diese Ausbildung bietet dir die einzigartige Möglichkeit, tief in die Welt der Sinnlichkeit, spirituellen Verbindung und bewussten Erfahrungen einzutauchen.
Durch eine Kombination aus theoretischem Wissen, praktischen Übungen und persönlicher Entwicklung bereitet diese Ausbildung dich darauf vor, deine eigenen tantrischen Fähigkeiten zu erweitern und andere auf diesem transformierenden Pfad der Erkenntnis zu unterstützen.

Retreat with Justyna Konecka, 2nd - 6th October 2024

More information on the retreat soon

Dein heilender Kraftort Retreat, 9th - 13th October 2024

In diesem Retreat erwarten DICH:• 8 verschiedene Yogaeinheiten mit Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga und Yoga Nidra• verschiedene Meditationen wie stille Meditation, Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Gehmeditation in der Natur u.v.m.• kraftvolle Atemarbeit und Pranayama• Energiearbeit und Energieworkshop• Soundhealing• Community und Verbindung mit tollen Menschen• Musik und Kirtan, Kakaozeremonie, Saunaabend u.v.m.

Shakti Wisdom Retreat, 16th - 20th October 2024

Komm mit uns auf eine wunderschöne & nährende Reise hin zu mehr Balance & ganz viel Raum für deine bewusste Weiblichkeit inmitten der wunderschönen Natur der atemberaubenden Berge und Wälder Nord-Sloweniens.Im Fokus dieses Retreats steht erneut:
– Selbstfürsorge
– Yoga & Ayurveda
– Weiblichkeit & Sisterhood
Nähre dich in diesen 5 Tagen auf allen Ebenen & Rück verbinde dich tief mit deinem inneren Wissen.Eine tägliche sanfte Yoga-Praxis, Pranayama, Meditation & die bereichernden Lehren von Ayurveda bringen dich zurück zu dieser inneren Weisheit. Aaußerdem hast du ausreichend Zeit für Rückzug & Stille, Freiraum für Muße, Spaziergänge, Waldbaden, Sauna, Schwimmen im Naturbadeteich usw. Maximal 10 Teilnehmerinnen haben die Chance auf diese besondere Erfahrung. Melde dich so bald wir möglich, um dir deinen Platz in der gewünschten Zimmerkategorie zu sichern. Sende dafür bitte eine Email an Angelika Dann besprechen wir alle weiteren Details für deine verbindliche Reservierung. Wir freuen uns von Herzen auf eine Zeit voller wohltuender Selfcare-Momente, Raum für bewusste Weiblichkeit, nährende Verbindungen und Naturverbundenheit sowie weitere schöne Überraschungen für dich!

Eva |, 31st October - 3rd November 2024

More information on the retreat soon


In this retreat, we dive into the world of touch. It is the most essential sense we have - without it, we would not be human. And yet, many live in a state of touch deprivation - at least good touch, the kind that communicates acceptance, care, and companionship. Some have buried their need to be sensually recognized in this way so deeply that they no longer even feel their body’s hunger for good touch. Getting in touch with our body’s wisdom, hearing the stories it tells us, to listening to what it asks for is the main way to becoming fully embodied, mature sensual beings.
Join us for a unique (possibly the first of its kind!) retreat where the art of conscious touch has time and space to flourish. At times meditative, at times playful and fun, and supported by a foundation in recent research in neurobiology and science, this interactive retreat is led by Steve Kokker. He is a seasoned expert in psychology, bodywork, and the healing arts, and he promises a journey that will reshape your understanding of intimacy, tantric connection, body wisdom and self-awareness. That and a few incredible, deep-dive tea ceremonies featuring aged, rare teas to help integrate our newfound knowledge - wow.

Retreat Razkošje Tišine, 22nd - 24th November 2024

Izredna priložnost za umik vase. Predah od vsakodnevnih aktivnosti, predah od nepotrebnega hrupa, v podpori čiste narave na sanjskem Veduna Retreat centru. Tako lahko vso pozornost izključno posvetim mirnemu in preciznemu opazovanju sebe.
Umik v tišino se zdi nujen del raziskovanja svoje resnične Biti.
Subtilnejše ravni zaznavanja zahtevajo subtilnejšo pozornost in več prisotnosti. Toliko je še namreč skritega v meni, kar sicer ne opazim, pa je ves čas tu, in vpliva na moje počutje, odločitve, kvaliteto življenja, bivanja.
Kdo sem? Kaj ostane, ko odvržem vse vloge v življenju in opazujem le svoj dih?
Kaj čutim in kako na to odreagiram?
Kaj počnem v življenju zavestno, kaj pa upravlja nezavedni avtopilot?
Zmorem to sploh razločiti?
Dandanes je ČAS najdragocenejša komponenta življenja. A šele, ko se resnično ustavim, lahko izkusim Razkošje miru in časa - življenja samega. In ravno to je darilo tega Retreata.

Deep Transformation in Slovenia, 28th November - 1st December 2024

Free yourself from emotional blockages, negative thoughts and old patterns, and embrace a life of abundance and compassion.
Experience a transformative journey that will release emotional and mental blockages on all levels of your being, allowing you to surrender to the flow of life and connect with your authentic self. Through various practices such as somatic movement, breathwork, meditation, collective work, you'll unlock stuck emotions, release blocked energy, experience deep relaxation, and fully activate your life energy.