We host a wide variety of workshops and retreats from an inspiring array of practitioners, who come to Veduna to share their knowledge.

Events range from one day art, walking, breathwork and permaculture events to week long immersive journeys, courses and detox programmes.

Please do take a look at the events below and we hope you find something of interest. If you would like further information, do get in touch.
Please note, most of the events listed are run by independent practitioners.

Retreats & Workshops
Spinal Flow Retreat, 17th - 19th January 2025

Na retreatu bomo osvobodili inteligenco telesa in skozi vsakodnevne tretmaje spinal flow tehnike odprli možnost spuščanja vzorcev, travm ali pa samo odprli lahkotnost zaznave telesa. Poleg vsakodnevnih spinal flow tretmajev bomo izvedli še tretma za odpiranje srca, tretma za sproščanje zaklenjenih čustev, globoko izkušnjo prisotnosti, delavnico spnal flow samozdravljenja (self-healing), izvedli refleksije o naših zaznavah in se sproščali ob zvokih kristalnih instrumentov.


Winter is the perfect time for slowing down, turning in, reflecting and re-charging. In line with the season we’ll practice gentle flow yoga, meditation and savour the luxury of quietness with a full silent day to rest the social self and re-charge in body & mind.
Join us for a week to rest deeply into quietness, renewal and the wisdom of yoga at the perfect time of year…
Alongside physical yoga practice, we will explore the rich background life-enhancing wisdom of the practice. Every day we’ll have a talk and discussion on philosophical teachings from the yoga and meditation traditions. You’ll carry home with you not only physical renewal, but also long-lasting insights from yoga’s deeper wisdom for a richer, more aligned experience of everyday life.

Orbán-Nagy Zsuzsanna, 20th till 23rd February 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Škola đjotiša i retreat, 27th February till 2nd March 2025

Đjotiš retreat je povlačenje na kojem ćemo uroniti u osnovna znanja vedske, odnosno sideralne astrologije. Poput škole đjotiša je, ali zapravo nije škola, nego proučavanje, druženje, predaja iskustava i znanja stjecanih punih trideset i pet godina. Ovakav program, na kojem ćemo imati priliku družiti se četiri dana, održavam s namjerom da u osobnom kontaktu predam znanje đjotiša koje proučavam. Zato je ovo škola, ali i nije škola u strogom smislu riječi – jer družit ćemo se kroz predavanja, ali s dodatkom opuštene i neobavezne atmosfere. S jedne strane, imat ćemo disciplinu koja je potrebna za učenje i napredak u znanju, sve resurse koji su potrebni da sjeme znanja klija i donosi plodove, a s druge strane, vodit ćemo i opuštene razgovore u kojima će se postavljati pitanja i dobivati odgovori, komentirati i tražiti načine kako da znanje koje u teoriji naučimo konkretno i praktično primijenimo u životu. To su trenuci u kojima možemo biti ono što jesmo i tražiti način kako da đjotiš primjenjujemo u svom jedinstvenom primjeru.

18th till 22nd March 2025, Ilya Tamir

More info on the retreat soon

Iyengar Yoga Retreat, 25th - 30th March 2024

More info on the retreat soon

Iyengar Yoga Retreat, 1st - 6th April 2024

More info on the retreat soon

Flow-Q, 11th - 14th April 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Adventure Yogi, 7th till 14th May 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Aerial yoga with Kata Szilvási, 16th till 19th May 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Maja Schreiner, 29th May - 1st June 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Nina Barbič, 4th - 7th June 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Lena Klopčič, 9th - 14th June 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Flow Yoga Seven Dials, Brighton & Hove. 4th - 9th July 2025

Come to rest and recuperate.
Yoga in the morning and late afternoon, relax in the day and enjoy the evening with delicious food, sunset and deep relaxation.
2 yoga classes per day:
Vinyasa flow
Yoga Nidra
Silent early morning walk

Julia Tordjman, 13th - 20th July 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Dance Alchemy & Teacher Training, 23th July - 4th August 2025

At Dance Alchemy Retreat & Teacher Training, we are on a mission to bridge the profound journey of the soul with the tangible path of personal and professional growth.
For the Seeker: The Retreat is a sanctuary for the soulful seeker, providing validation and certification for their dance and movement facilitation skills. It's a space where dreams of crafting a transformative career through dance find their foundation
For the Visionary: We are the canvas for visionaries who dream of a career that mirrors their passion for transformation through movement and dance. We empower them to turn those dreams into reality
For the Community: We extend a heartfelt call to those yearning for an inclusive community that breathes dance as a language of the soul. We aim to embody dance not merely as an art form but as a practice that transforms lives
For the Leaders, Healers, Artists, and Teachers: We welcome leaders, healers, artists, and teachers alike, all with a common thread - the desire to weave dance into the very fabric of their being and their work in the world
For the Everyday person: We welcome all individuals who cherish dance and movement, regardless of experience, and seek a moment of self-renewal, heightened energy, and reconnection with their inner truth, untapped potential, and life's authentic path.
It's an Inclusive, Holistic, and Playful environment!

Marie-Luise Wackenhut, 9th - 15th August 2025

More info on the retreat soon


Join us for a nourishing week of immersing yourself in the stunning mountains of Slovenia with a deep daily practice of yoga and meditation.
This is your week to re-connect and re-charge. All sessions are optional, so you can take exactly what you need. There will be plenty of free time for reading, wandering through the trees, swimming, sauna, reading, sun-bathing, forest-bathing, napping.
Our daily schedule will offer morning practice at the peaceful, 'sattvic' time of day, journaling inspiration and philosophy teachings with personal time to reflect. Our yoga programme will offer energising vinyasa, mindful slow flow and meditation to quieten the mind and rest deeply.

Adventure Yogi, 10th - 17th September 2025

More info on the retreat soon

Stefanie Trippl, 1st - 5th October 2025

More info on the retreat soon

WILD NAYA® KLANGWOLFINNEN GATHERING, 28th October - 2nd November 2025

Dies ist ein GATHERING für alle Frauen, die den Spuren des Waldes folgen, die Klänge der Erde verstehen möchten in all ihrer Farbenbracht & Dunkelheit.
Du bist eine Frau, die den Zeichen des Lebens
folgt, und auch Lust darauf hat ihre weibliche NATUR zu erforschen?
Träume, Zyklus, Tierspuren, Zentrierung, Kreativität.... hier spinnen wir die Kraft der Natur
in ihrer Buntheit, Schönheit, Dunkelheit & ihres inne wohnenden Lichts zusammen.
Wir sind bereit, unserer inneren & äußeren Natur zu folgen.
Wir sind KLANGWÖLFINNEN die spüren, dass das Leben selbst ein wahres Geschenk ist.
Richten wir den Fokus auf unsere Hände, auf unsere Kreative Schöpferinnen Kraft & gestalten wir die Welt WIDEWIE sie uns gefällt :).